Altai - Honey Lemon Soothers (Sativa) - 120mg THC - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD


Altai - Honey Lemon Soothers (Sativa) - 120mg THC - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD


Altai Honey Lemon Soothers are 10mg each and have 12 delicious Soothers per box. Inspired by the past and looking to the future, Altai provides thoughtfully crafted artisanal edibles curated for wellbeing and enjoyment.

price: $0