Super Leafs - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD


Super Leafs - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD


Super Leaf is an up-and-coming paper company that uses an all organic process of turning NON-GMO leaves of a vegetable usually cabbage, lettuce, or corn into rolling papers. These papers have no odor, no taste, no chemicals, and burns the same as a regular blunt except without the harsh effects on the body. If you can roll a Backwood with no problem, then these will be fun and easy. They make your herb taste 10x better. Cheaper, safer, and much healthier than tobacco products. Recommended to use glass tip for superb smoking and no mess. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON PACKAGING!

price: $0