Honey Vape - Strawberry Kush Cartridge - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD



Honey Vape - Strawberry Kush Cartridge - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD - OLD



Strawberry Kush by Honey Vape hits in the frequency of happiness and uplifting. Depending on your body chemistry the effects profile branches out in 2 directions from there. It may make you feel motivated or creative. Because of its great taste and flavor, patients tend to sip on this one a little more, so BE WARNED, Strawberry Kush by Honey Vape is powerful medicine. Overmedicating will lead to narcotic effects.

price: $0