1:1 CBD/THC Wonder Extract

THC: 720.000mgCBD: 720.000mg

1:1 CBD/THC Wonder Extract

THC: 720.000mgCBD: 720.000mg

We’re pleased to inform our members that we are now in stock of Full Extract Cannabis Oil from our new provider, Wonder Oil! This has been one of our most frequently requested products, and we’re extremely excited to have this amazing medicine back on the shelf. RSO will be available for contribution in a high-THC and 1:1 CBD/THC mix.

FECO, sometimes referred to as ‘Rick Simpson Oil,’ is composed of concentrated levels of the terpenes and cannabinoids found in cannabis that are of medical value to patients. These medicinal compounds are usually extracted using a food-grade alcohol, leaving impurities behind with the plant matter. The oil has been known to be beneficial in treating many conditions—a few of the more notable including Cancer, AIDS, and COPD.

The oil usually is packaged in a vial or syringe, and is most commonly applied either topically or orally, dependent on the needs of an individual patient. Because of its extremely high potency, it’s recommended that new patients begin with a dose no bigger than half a grain of rice. Similar to other edibles, it’s suggested patients wait one to two hours before ingesting any additional oil.

price: $0