Pure Vape CBD Disposable 1:0"Boost" CBD:THC

High CBD

CBD: 50.600%

Pure Vape CBD Disposable 1:0"Boost" CBD:THC

High CBD

CBD: 50.600%

(0.3 gram) With their line of CBD products, Pure Vape combines style and wellness, presenting the average cannabist the best way to having fun while keeping healthy at the same time. Pure CBD Boost vapes contain 100 percent CBD oil concentrate extracted from selected marijuana strains. Pure Vape offers concentrates that are free of solvents, glycol, and glycerin. These products are lab tested and approved compliant Vapes in California. From their triple filtered distillate to their technologically advanced cartridges, every component that makes up their products are double lab tested to ensure the cleanest, safest, and most potent options for vapers of all experience levels. Pure’s Boost 1:0 contains pure CBD isolate, with no psychoactive effects.This feature combined with the highest standards of Pure’s products to put the company ahead of most other brands that manufacture vape products. Whether you enjoy producing thick clouds of vapor or love to inhale light, dainty puffs, Pure has you covered, as they maintain the highest level of consistency and purity.

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