G STIK Amarillo - Sativa


G STIK Amarillo - Sativa


The "Amarillo" G Stik from G FarmaLabs symbolizes a yellow butterfly. Very carefully chosen for its purpose, this unique blend of 100% sativa flowers was handpicked to create a euphoric feeling for the patients who suffer from depression and many other conditions dealing with feeling down. "Amarillo" is known to pick you up and lift your spirits into the power of the air with its ability to float upon a breeze, as a yellow butterfly. This gracious insect is known for its darting flight; thus, it represents the mind and our ability to change it when necessary. The butterfly represents the never-ending cycle of life; therefore, its medicine bestows not only the ability, but the clarity of mind needed before self-transformation. Whether in white paper or natural paper, this uplifting G FarmaLabs blended cannabis is the natural alternative for many ailments of medical marijuana patients and connoisseurs alike. For those of you on the go, in the adult markets, rather than share your morning coffee, light up an "Amarillo" and begin your morning flight.

price: $0