Select Lavender CBD Drops

High CBD

THC: 0.000mgCBD: 1050.000mg

Select Lavender CBD Drops

High CBD

THC: 0.000mgCBD: 1050.000mg

Experience the relief of fast acting CBD in the form of our convenient & discreet tinctures. Select Drops provides a fast-acting solution of benefiting from the restorative effects of cannabinoids without vaping or smoking. Drops contain a specially formulated balance of cannabidiol and herb-infused refined coconut oil, known as MCT oil for fast acting absorption into the bloodstream. Find the bliss of convenient herbal relief anytime, anywhere with our proprietary cannabidiol tincture. Lavender: Infused with lavender, chamomile and passionflower, which are known for relaxation and calmness

Ingredients: CBD Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Chamomile, Passion Flower, and Lavender Essential Oil, Stevia

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